Authenticated user registration

To register, follow these steps:

1. Confirm your identity by connecting via the E-Government Gateway (see Login and logout ).

2. When the Common User Management Portal (BAP) page opens, click "Confirm":


Picture 1. Confirm your identity

When connecting via the Electronic Government Gateway as a natural person, a natural person registration form will be provided.

When connecting via the Electronic Government Gateway as a representative of a legal entity, a registration form for an individual and a legal entity will be provided.

Registration of a natural person as a recipient of services

1. In the form of Application for registration of services recipient fill in the fields of steps 1-4 and click "Continue filling".


Picture 2. Registration of a natural person Step 1

2. In the review form of the request to register a recipient of services check the entered data, mark that you are familiar with the rules for the provision of electronic services and click "Submit".


Picture 3. Preview data and form submitting